"#bertin.dev" has been a Computer Geek in general and programming in particular since the age of 17. At the very beginning I had started out being passionate about Video Games (Gamer), then I attacked the installation of software, PC Games, operating systems, cracking, software patching, illegal surfing, legal and illegal downloads and very quickly it became a passion that I have been able to direct towards coding business software for a while now.
Nov 2022 – Present
Douala, Cameroon
Freelance Laravel Developer
Project: GEDLA-ADS
This project involves setting up an electronic document management solution. It consists of several functionalities among which we have the OCR (Optical character recognition), the management of the signature, the archiving, the management of the validation circuits, user access rights, printing of documents etc…
Accomplished tasks :
==> Participation in the drafting of the specifications
==> Analysis, design, implementation and deployment in production
==> Elaboration of the different UML diagrams (use cases, classes, sequence, activity)
==> Implementation of the design of the web platform from the models
==> Generating the database and processing SQL queries
==> Programming and unit testing continuous integration of the different modules
==> Release in test server, staging and production
Feb 2022 – Present
Yaoundé, Cameroon
FullStack Developer
Implementation of a "Sale Force Automation" solution to manage sales, boost turnover and increase the size of corporate customers. This solution consists of an Odoo ERP, a laravel middleware, a Flutter Mobile App and Traccar for tracking. It is already used by several large companies.
Accomplished tasks :
==> Participation in the drafting of change requests
==> Active player in the analysis and design phase with the UML method
==> Participation in the drafting of technical offers
==> Participation in team meetings and contribution to the planning of software development projects.
==> Management of Sources on Redmine and documents on Alfresco
==> Mobile application management and intervention in tracking with Odoo
==> Sales training
==> Deployment in the test and pre-production server.
==> Filling TimeSheets
==> Technological watch
==> Management of electronic payment terminals.
Jul 2021 – Present
Yaoundé, Cameroon
Remote Project Manager
Establishment of a video streaming solution (ozstream) and 20 websites on behalf of APME companies in partnership with AFD as part of the Transfagri program.
==> Development of work strategies and technological tools to be used
==> Monitoring and management of projects entrusted to the technical department
Reworked tasks:
==> Analysis and design with the UML method
==> Follow-up and management of the Backend team for the realization of an API with the Laravel Framework of PHP in the account of the ozstream project
==> Follow-up and management of the frontend team for the realization of a mobile application with the Flutter Framework in the account of the ozstream project
==> Follow-up and management of the team in charge of implementing 20 showcase websites for APME companies in partnership with AFD as part of the Transfagri program
==> Implementation of an Android TV platform for smart TVs in the ozstream project account
==> Administration of external services, servers and databases used
==> Android TV deployment (Google Play store)
==> ensure technological watch
Mar 2019 – Feb 2022
Yaoundé, Cameroon
.NET Developer
The project consists of setting up a targeted electronic payment solution in the transport sector (public and urban), in commerce (medium-sized, large surfaces and pharmacies) through an NFC-type contactless card or a QR code and a payment terminal. This platform is composed of several technologies assembled among which we have: a mobile application developed under Android, a webservice based on Laravel API, a customer space developed in Vue.js, an external aggregator (Monetbil) in charge of managing all the means of local payments as well as an infrastructure management system based on ASP.NET Core. This management system is responsible for managing the mobile application, the customer area, users, card stock and payment terminals.
Accomplished tasks :
==> Active player in the analysis and design phase of the architecture of the entire electronic payment system in collaboration with the other members of the development team.
==> Application of agile method principles with Scrum
==> Collaborate with the development teams of the mobile application, the customer area and the web service to ensure consistency and integration between the different components of the system.
==> Design and develop new features using ASP.NET Core
==> Maintain and update the management system, identifying and correcting bugs and performance issues.
==> Implementation of automated tests to ensure the proper functioning of the management system
==> Optimization of management system performance, using caching and compression techniques
==> Ensure the security of the management system by implementing encryption, authentication and user authorization techniques
==> Training of users of the management system
Jan 2021 – May 2021
Douala, Cameroon
Freelance Android Developer
Project: Design, implementation, testing and deployment of a native Android TV solution for watching Cameroonian films and series in streaming.
Missions and tasks carried out:
==> MVP Architecture
==> API consumption
==> Design implementation with Android Leanback library
==> Performing tests with espresso
==> Integration of modules:
==> Authentication via google and QR code, change of language, Listing of videos with details, player with control and suggestion of videos Etc…
==> Solution distribution platform: Android
==> Corrective and evolutionary maintenance
Environment & Libraries: Android studio 4.1.2 & Exoplayer, retrofit2, leanback, recyclerview, cardview, timber, lifecycle, okhttp3, dagger 2, butterknife, Google cast etc…
==> Google Play Store deployment
Aug 2017 – Mar 2019
Yaoundé, Cameroon
.NET Developer
Project: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
The project consists of setting up an integrated management software package that allows the company to manage all of its business processes from a single platform. The ERP makes it possible to centralize and optimize the management of all the company's activities, such as payroll management, human resources, cash management, diesel management as well as the management of user access rights. It has an overview of business operations, which facilitates decision-making and helps improve business efficiency and productivity.
Accomplished tasks :
==> Participation in the drafting of the specifications of the solution
==> Active player in the analysis and design phase
==> Application of agile method principles with Scrum
==> Participation in the implementation of payroll, human resources and user access rights management modules.
==> Implementation of diesel stock management modules as well as the cash register
==> Implementation of CI/CD continuous integration with Ms Azure DevOps
==> Automation of unit and integration tests
==> Use of tools such as docker for the deployment of containers
==> Versioning and source management with Git
==> Perform code review of some modules
==> Ensure the support and maintenance of the ERP solution
==> Good practices of solid security principles in the CI/CD pipeline to guarantee ERP security through the SonarQube tool to detect security vulnerabilities in the code.
Faculté des science de l'université de douala
Oct 2015 – Sep 2018
Licence, Informatique
Oct 2014 – Sep 2015
professional qualification diploma, Application development
Logpom High School
Sep 2013 – Aug 2014
Baccalaureate of general education scientific series, Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science