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Giorgi Kartsivadze

Front end developer

Batumi, Georgia
Front-end developer at Independent learner
Studied Front End Development Libraries at freeCodeCamp
Studied JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures at freeCodeCamp
Studied Responsive Web Design at freeCodeCamp
Studied Electrical-engineering at Batumi state maritime academy
Information Technology & Services
Joined June 11, 2023



Native or Bilingual
As an entry-level front-end developer, I possess a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I have alsogained familiarity with technologies such as jQuery and React. My primary focus is on developing responsiveweb pages. Although I'm at the beginning of my career, I have successfully completed projects such as SpaceTourism, FinanceFlow, MultiPage Form, and URL-Shortener Page. Regular coding practice through various projects has provided me with interesting challenges, helping me grow asa problem solver and contributing to my personal development in the coding field. Since making pages responsiveis another challenge, I'm trying to adopt all pages to mobiles and tablets. I am highly motivated to continue learning and seek opportunities for growth. I stay updated with the latest industrytrends and technologies to enhance my skills. Collaboration comes naturally to me, and I can adapt to changingrequirements. I believe in streamlining maintenance through component-based development. Additionally, I have earned certifications in Responsive Web Design, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures,and Front End Development Libraries from freeCodeCamp. These certifications highlight my dedication to self-improvement and learning in the field of front-end development.
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Independent learner
Mar 2023 – Present
Front-end developer
1. Space Tourism - • Since this page not uses scrolling and full page is opened simultaneously I decided to use AOS.js(Animation On Scroll) to make intro animations easier. • While navigating between sections such as planets, crew members, and technologies, I encounteredthe issue of non-loaded images appearing, which was visually unappealing. To resolve this, I utilizedJavaScript Promises to ensure that the animation waits until the next set of information, includingimages, is fully loaded. This improvement has significantly enhanced the user experience. 2. FinanceFlow - • Animated the horizontal scrollbar on the home page. • For blog filtering I have used JavaScript array filter function. • Utilized email.js to make the contact form functional. • Optimized code by creating Header and Footer elements as separate components and imported themvia jQuery in all 6 pages. 3. Multi-page form - • This project is fully loaded at once. Navigation between registration sections is achieved using CSSdisplay switching. • Utilized data with Object-Oriented Programming to prevent duplicating code. 4. URL-shortener - • To make page functional, I have implemented TinyURL API. • Applied a link preservation function to avoid losing them upon revisiting the page.
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Mar 2023 – Apr 2023
Certificate, Front End Development Libraries
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Feb 2023 – Mar 2023
Certificate, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
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Jan 2023 – Feb 2023
Certificate, Responsive Web Design
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Batumi state maritime academy
Jun 2018 – Jun 2022
Bachelor, Electrical-engineering