I have three years of experience in banking sector as a customer service officer. Apart from my professional life I am more inclined toward writing essays and expressing my ideas and uncovering my thoughts to let the world know about the inner me and the world surrounding me.
Since my childhood I have been practicing putting down my random thoughts on paper and this habit gradually developed as my passion. More ever I am good at building imaginary ideas into stories.
Further more I am good at expressing ideas and themes in accordance with the demand of customer.
Soneri bank limited
Jun 2021 – Present
Account opening, CTR reporting, Remittances processing, fund transfer clearing, dormant activation, TDR issuance, TDR processing and all other customer related task.
Bank alfalah limited
May 2019 – Jun 2022
Customer service officer .responsible for all customer related quarries. Examples, account opening, cash transactions, remittances, fund transfer e.t.c