Young professional, currently studying towards BSCS, with complementary experience of Web
Development, Game Development, Programming Languages and teamwork having member of school
Basketball Team and Technical Team Google Developer Student Club (at DUET) and active member of ACM (Ass
ociaiton of Computing Machinery).
I believe ‘ Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve it. ’
ACM (Association of Computing Machinery)
Apr 2023 – Present
Dawood University of Engineering and Technology, karachi.
lead Webmaster
As the webmaster of the ACM chapter at Dawood University, I take pride in creating and managing our local chapter website. I have been actively involved in designing and developing the website, ensuring it serves as a hub for all things related to our ACM community. Additionally, I have played a crucial role in organizing and managing various technical events, including hackathons and other exciting fests. Working closely with my dedicated ACM team, we have successfully brought together students and professionals to foster a vibrant and engaging technical environment. Through these experiences, I have not only honed my web development skills but also developed strong leadership and organizational abilities. It has been a rewarding journey, and I look forward to continuing to contribute to the growth and success of our ACM chapter.
Google Developer Student Club
Sep 2022 – Present
Dawood University of Engineering and Technology.
Google Developer Student Club DUET Technical Team
As a current member of the Technical Team for the Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) at Dawood University
of Engineering and Technology (DUET).We host events in our university aimed at enhancing the technical and
professional skills of our fellow students. Furthermore, we work with other universities globally to organize
events that bring together students and professionals to share their knowledge and skills. Through this work, I
have had the opportunity to expand my technical knowledge while also developing my leadership and teamwork
skills. Being a part of the GDSC team at DUET has been an enriching experience that is preparing me for the
challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Mar 2021 – Jul 2021
metroville Site , karachi , Pakistan.
Data Entry Specialist
where I was responsible for managing school students' database and attendance reports