Happily Certified in Marketing and Building Brands Digitally via humanized chitter chatter, I've been blessed enough to successfully create and execute Annual Strategies for Mazda, JAC, Honda, Aulet, LT Properties and Geely (A Fortune 500 company).
But I needed something more to quench my thirst for storytelling leading me to create my own Instagram, expressing complex ideas through minimalism to connect with like minded folks.
And this is what life is about. It's not about making money, travelling the world and dare I say, following your passion. It's about surrounding yourself with the right people at work, home and any other place you travel to, everything else just follows.
Embark Media
Nov 2022 – Present
Head of Strategy and Planning
Strategizing and planning annual marketing calendars
Apr 2017 – Nov 2021
Digital Head
Strategizing, planning and executing 360 digital marketing activities
Hijaz Islamic University
Apr 2016 – Apr 2017
Content Creator
The very first experience with a home based job. To my limited mind-set at the time, this was the perfect thing to have. Wake up, have some breakfast, go to work with no need to commute, work as much as possible and cash out as much as possible.
The work was all about producing lecture videos for the university's newly launched online educational portal, which I had a blast spending time with. I was learning like crazy and working like crazy at the same time. This was truly one of the most fruitful experiences of my life!
Too bad, the projects ended within a year and the next time they approached me for another long term collaboration, I had already shipped sail with Lane Twelve as their new content creator.
Mar 2012 – Jul 2015
Audio and Visual Creator
Woke up, traveled via public bus which is nothing short of a hell in my city to get to the studio and produced some wannabe kickass video content for CityFM89's Social Media Channels.
Some days were nicer than others with live studio trip to produce City Sessions, The Breakfast Show, Driv-Thru on top of some live location trips to produce shows like the World Music Day.
It was a fun job with relatively low-stress levels to manage with the only major battles taking place in the editing room.