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Cricket Score Card

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Cricket Score Card with Map is an application that is developed to maintain the ball by ball record of cricket matches. It is very useful for the coaches and all other concerned staff of cricket clubs. First of all, the admin has to add a new team by entering the team’s name and its flag. Then the admin can add new players to the team he added in this app. Now after adding team and players the next step is to start a match for this purpose the admin can select the start match option and then the admin enters the required data which is selecting teams, match type, overs, match format, toss, and batting first team, bowling team. Now admin has to select striker and non-striker from the batting team then tap on next to select bowler at the end tap on the start button. Now admin can save every ball’s record by taping the scores buttons in the scorecard and draw a straight line on an application. In the end, if the admin wants to analyze individual teams or player, he can simply tap on the analysis button now he can analyze an individual team or a player like batting team score, bowling team score, batsman score, and where he played shots (draw the line on map) and also how many scores bowlers took in that particular match. Users can also watch ball-by-ball live matches played between two teams. The user just taps on the watch live button next activity will show to the user (list of matches is shown) so that the user can choose any match whatever match he wants to watch live.
Published:December 12, 2020
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