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Demo Car Configurator

Invite to Job
A 3D car visualizer demo project that I have made for my freelance client. This project is made using Unreal Engine 4 and 3DS Max. Initially, I created a 3D Model of Suzuki Swift containing each body part as a separate object. Then I imported all the objects into Unreal Engine 4. Inside UE4, I created 3 major blueprints or scripts, one for the camera and mouse control, one for the GUI, and other one is for the vehicle. The camera script controls the overall transform of the camera i.e. panning, zoom, and pitch on mouse input. The vehicle script contains an array of all the parts of the vehicles and their material IDs which can be manipulated on selecting the color from the GUI. The GUI script contains 4 different colors (for demo only) and all these 4 colors were bind with vehicle parts. Therefore, on selecting any color from the palette, the vehicle color gets changed.
Published:April 14, 2023
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