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(OC)Dylan - Everybody Reunite "Fantart"

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AN extremely detaild fanart and closeup of my OC (Original Character) Dylan Mendes! (Also on twitter as @TheRealDyal). Inspired by the "Fantastic Baby" MV, BIGBANG group leader "GDRAGON". AN extremely detaild fanart and closeup of my OC (Original Character) Dylan Mendes! (Also on twitter as @TheRealDyal). Inspired by the "Fantastic Baby" MV, BIGBANG group leader "GDRAGON".
An extremely detaild fanart and closeup of my OC (Original Character) Dylan Mendes! (Also on twitter as @TheRealDyal). Inspired by the "Fantastic Baby" MV, BIGBANG group leader "GDRAGON". Art ment for canonical pourpuses. Dylan is an Brazilian-American K-idol, and this and his others designs and arts are about his era's, and about his photoshoots, and life behind the cameras! Also, a fun fact about this piece!: His holding an butterfly walking cane themed. I Took a quiz as him to know witch spirit animal he was, and butterfly came in the end! So you can kinda think of how tricky this was, to match a walking cane and a butterlfy togheter. (There were other design for it, witch you can check on my twitter for this, and more Behind The Scenes! Such as for the 100% unfocused close-up of the walking cane) His Design at all was inspired in the idol. Lot's of black and white with little blue-details. And i also had a lot of fun playing around with the dust! It really gives off a really cool and neat effect! I maybe exageratted on this one... but gosh this is cool. You really should try it!
Published:August 29, 2021
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