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The Project of a Total Life

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Invite to Job
The booklet “For the Future we present: thought, action, conduct” consists on a small manifest publication, which not only introduces the technique of Risograph Printing, but also invites the reader to analyse his own actions, in a direct and provocative way. With the subtitle “The New Season starts now, hopefully everywhere”, this is a publication entirely composed from excerpts of several other books. A parade of works, authors and reflections occupies the narrative in the form of small individual posters, which coexist together in what aims to be achieve a Manifesto that ends with the statement: “The Project of Total Life”. Topics such as indifference, the importance of acting in favor of our ideals, self-exploration and self-knowledge, the importance of observation and leisure time, or even honest outpouring about cynicism and arrogance, cover this section, making it a flashy and colourful parade of thoughts that I consider relevant. Phrases and expressions taken not only from books, but also from lectures, exhibitions or interviews now take the form of a poster, with the aim of drawing attention to the younger and more novice public, inviting them to think about subjects that are really worthwhile and , hopefully, challenge them to find solutions.
Published:September 23, 2020
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