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Them: Beyond Human Webcomic Character Designs

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Handsome faces. Beautiful faces. Faces that look like they were hit by a bus. I love designing them. Handsome faces. Beautiful faces. Faces that look like they were hit by a bus. I love designing them.
Adding a wee bit of color to these heads. Adding a wee bit of color to these heads.
Giving the heads some bodies to move around with. Badass. Giving the heads some bodies to move around with. Badass.
A better look at the character Helen. She’s my fav of the lot. Personally. A better look at the character Helen. She’s my fav of the lot. Personally.
Handsome faces. Beautiful faces. Faces that were hit by a bus. Faces that look like they were formed in wind tunnels. I love faces. All shapes and types. Faces are the most important aspect of the character (To me). Whenever I start drawing a character I HAVE to start with the face. It's a requirement!  - We then move onto the body phase! The human body is so complex, with all those dang muscles and bones and organs. Why do we need those? It makes art so complicated yoh! We should just get rid of bodies! Just be a face, it makes life so much more simple. ... makes art so much better when you can attach a fun looking face to a fun looking body! It just adds an extra layer of, well, FUN to the overall design! This is my design process. It has been for the longest time.
Published:September 16, 2022
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