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Tiger Balm

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Generation Z often labelled as the generation of Tiktok, the internet natives, and the opinionated. But behind this set of stereotypes is a much deeper picture most fail to highlight. Gen Z has watched the millennials struggle and fall during the recession and are now living in a time of complete uncertainty. Gen Z is the generation of fear, it impacts the way they interact with life. They are overwhelmed and bombarded with the need to succeed. Gen Z is the “Generation Dread” and in such an environment, there seems to be no space or time for failure. ( With Tiger Balm, we want to communicate that it’s okay to fail, just take the first step on the court, on the track, on the field; and break a leg. For a second it’s okay to live without fear because when your muscle begins to ache after your first day at the gym and you feel like you can’t do this, you’ve got Tiger Balm to soothe your aches and falls. Then you get back up and face the field again, without fear.
Published:November 25, 2020
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