$500 per project
Does this ever happen to you? You explain your product or service to someone and they nod like they get it, but something tells you that they don't, and you're probably right. Sadly, that's another customer not won over. It's not just you, it's the whole community of business owners. However, what if you don't need to tell your audience what you do? What if you could simply show them? The benefit of correct content marketing is in the ability to show your audience what you do, convert them to customers, then to fans. This is where I waltz in. Throwing in advanced copywriting and content marketing strategies, I'll deliver powerful content that will paint a vivid picture and take your business away from the online shadows. Prospective customers will notice you, like you, then buy from you. With a combination of high value text, graphics and videos, your business will enjoy amazing social media marketing results and of course, an astonishing return of your hard earned marketing investment.
$500 per project