$70 per project
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I write about mindfulness, psychology, philosophy, science, society, art, film, theatre, future technologies, AI, the quantum universe, cybersecurity, and Big Enterprises. Here's a sample: The way we approach our work defines who we are. Humanity has experienced many forms of paid and unpaid work, from slavery and the feudal system to minimum wages and bonuses. Now the paradigm of work has shifted again, but this time the change is more profound and far-reaching, as working conditions have completely altered. Read more about the greatest work paradigm shift ever. THE BIG SHIFT IN THE WORK PARADIGM You cannot tame inspiration, but you can tame your response and make a principle of it. It is said that he who controls your time controls your future. As it seems, the future came in a roller coaster, and not even NASA can see where it leads. That is good news because it shows that the potential is free to become what you make of it. Possibilities are endless, or in other words, they are flexible. Are you ready to adapt? Whatever happens next has the potential to serve as a quantum leap to your dreams, and CEOs have finally realized the benefits of respecting the time and needs of their employees.
$70 per project