$3,000 per project
Service's Cover Picture
Long-form data-driven content optimized for search engines and lead generation. Includes keyword research, on-page SEO, one revision round, outline reviews, headline alternatives, and more. Content Monthly minimum: 4 articles Average word count: 3,000+ Headline alternatives: Yes Custom graphics: Yes CMS upload: Yes On-page SEO: Yes Keyword research: Yes Topic research: Yes SERP analysis: Yes Data-driven: Yes Plagarism check: Yes HOW IT WORKS: Step 1: Discovery We have a quick chat about your business, ICP, and content goals to see if we’re a good fit. Is it a match? Off to step two! Step 2: Planning Topic ideation, keyword research, and road-mapping. Step 3: Writing I crack my knuckles, roll up my sleeves, and work my magic. Outlines of articles are sent to you before writing so it’s exactly what you want. Step 4: Optimize Content is edited to perfection, optimized for search engines and to generate leads. I then upload it to your CMS of choice.
$3,000 per project