I help busy entrepreneurs write better content through proofreading, editing and fact checking!
I am an experienced freelance writer and copy editor. I have worked with the same online company for over 10 years! Proofreading project details, contracts and communication. Editing website content and copy.
We all know the importance of well-written content, whether it's an article, ebook, advertisement, or just a social media post. Nothing can lose a prospect as quickly as a commonly misspelled word or poor grammar choice.
I research all of my work - business and topics - to better understand and get inside the content I am editing. This will ensure full understanding of the message you - the client - are attempting to portray and make for more effective copy in the end.
I want to help you stay in your zone of expertise, while you outsource the tedious task of proofreading to someone who is passionate about writing.
Please understand, I am project-based.
I hope we to be working with you real soon!