$20 per project
Are you looking for experienced researcher for your online research work? I am a well experienced Market & web researcher, having served hundreds of business owners so far in UNITED STATES (US), UK and Europe. I will find, collect, research all your required information in a fast turnaround. Services Offerings; Company / Business Research: Related to industrial, competitor, market report, financial, report. Leads Research: Including professional profiles, resume, contact details i.e. Name, Address, Emails, Phone number & much more. Market Research: Trends, statistics, analysis, report. Online research, internet Research for data available. Lead Generation and Contact Research Contact Research: we gather, cleanse, and update contact information for the organization’s mailing lists Competitor Research, analysis Industry Research, demographics Any type custom task, Please contact me before placing order. Industries covered: Industries I have worked within include IT, government, healthcare, consumer products, the food and beverage industry, education, and more. Please message me to discuss the task details before placing order. Thanks reserchers_team
$20 per project