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Ákos Miklós

Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary
Junior Linux Systems Administrator at Ikron Kft.
Studied IT network engineering at University of Pannonia
Studied IT systems administrator at Szegedi Szakképzési Centrum Gábor Dénes Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája
Joined October 27, 2021



Native or Bilingual
I like reading books, taking long walks, listening to music, tinkering with both old and new computers, finding ways to build products in my own way (even if those already exist) as a hobby. I am an active computer user since the early 2000s, became an enthusiast in 2012.
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Ikron Kft.
Dec 2020 – Present
Szeged, Hungary
Junior Linux Systems Administrator
Managing, monitoring, installing remote Linux systems (Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS), working with different technologies and services (Docker, Portainer, Apache2, nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, Zabbix, Xcp-Ng, Proxmox, Mikrotik RouterOS,Postfix, Dovecot), managing the company's ERP system written in Java. Giving our customers monitoring, backup solutions, helping them in their problems, managing their infrastructure.
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B1-Mobilpont Kft.
Dec 2019 – Aug 2021
Szeged, Hungary
PHP developer, phone repair technician
Developing a smaller third party cellphone store and repair shop's task management system in PHP where employees can reliably track, store, create orders for customers or the store, track on going repairs, create new repair tickets etc. One of the key points were a really basic user management. As a phone repair technician my job was to diagnose, fix customer's devices (smartphones, tablets, desktop and laptop computers, games consoles) with wide variety of problems: broken display, charging port, aged battery replacements, OS reinstalls (on PCs, smartphones and tablets), microsoldering (on smartphones, tablets and PCs).
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University of Pannonia
Sep 2020 – Sep 2021
n/a, IT network engineering
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Szegedi Szakképzési Centrum Gábor Dénes Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája
Sep 2015 – Jul 2019
GCSE, IT systems administrator