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Amey Pawar

Raleigh, United States
Applied Machine Learning Intern at Intel
Studied Electrical Engineering at Noeth Carolina State University
Joined March 17, 2021


I am a Graduate student pursuing Master's in Electrical Engineering at North Carolina State University and am interested in the development of innovative technologies in Computer Vision and Deep Learning. My work experience with Intel has exposed me to the wide variety of applications of Deep Learning in Image Segmentation models and Bayesian Optimization methods. Having worked with the Perception System of Autonomous Vehicles, I am also aware of the potential challenges for Computer Vision Systems. I aim to use my skills to overcome the hurdles in ML and CV systems by developing better solutions. Competencies: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Image Processing.
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May 2020 – Present
Santa Clara, CA
Applied Machine Learning Intern
• Worked with Applied ML team to perform hyperparameter optimization, real-time metrics visualization, and distributed training with Intel MPI on CPU clusters to improve the accuracy and time to converge for existing interactive image segmentation model. • Implemented the CVPR - 2019 paper which aims to improve the accuracy of an interactive segmentation model during inference time by backpropagating through the network in Pytorch and integrated this model agnostic approach with existing segmentation model to improve the mean and boundary IOU of segmentation mask. • Designed a novel NAS Enhanced Encoder-Decoder (NEED) based Image Segmentation model as a part of Applied ML team, which achieved results comparable to the State of the Art (SOTA) and submitted the paper to ICCV - 2021. • Developed Learning Curve Extrapolation technique in combination with various other pruning methods such as Successive Halving and Hyperband along with Bayesian Optimization in Optuna framework, in order to come up with better ensemble pruning strategy. • Currently focusing on application of Proxyless Neural Architecture Search (NAS) Technique as a part of hardware-aware component of the deep learning workflow
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Noeth Carolina State University
Aug 2020 – Present
Master of Science, Electrical Engineering