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Andrey Losev

Novoselivka, Ukraine
Python developer at Projects
Joined February 3, 2023


Backend Developer with a half year of practice in Python. Got experience in working both with Python Core & Django. I love the feeling that when you meet a task, you don’t understand anything about it and gradually, step by step solve it with Google, documentation and so on. Well-familiar with OOP fundamentals, and have skills in working with relations and nonrelational databases. Have upper-intermediate English level. Also I have the discipline and organization of the work space as already worked remotely.
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Aug 2022 – Present
Python developer
See some of my projects at: IT Company Task Manager - This is a useful site for every IT company. In it you can control the work of your company, look actual and performance of tasks, types of these tasks, employees and positions of your employees, and distribute tasks among your employees and thus do everything in time and step by step. Mini TODO list - A similar project to the previous one, but this project is made more for home environment, when you always forget or you need to do something important that just write this job in TODO list and you will not forget to complete it.