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Catherine Gason

Multilingual And Bilingual Marketing Virtual Assistant | French + Italian + English | Research, Strategy, Operations, Automation, Support

[EN] I offer multilingual (French + Italian + English) virtual assistance across all aspects of digital communication: from strategy to implementation, from operations to measurement of multilingual marketing campaigns. The tools I usually use include Wrike, Odoo, Basecamp and Trello (project management), GetResponse, MailChimp and AWeber (email management), Later and Hootsuite (social media management), WordPress and Joomla (website management), Microsoft Office (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) and Pages/Numbers/Keynote. Specialized in Marketing Automation processes, I provide speed optimized sales funnels and landing pages.I am always looking for new technologies and working methods that help me increase the value I provide to my clients. Depending on the scope and complexity of the project, I work on my own, in consultation with the client’s team, in collaboration with her/his agency or with other freelancers. My goal is to be the best multilingual marketing virtual assistant you could dream of! [FR] J’apporte une assistance marketing trilingue (Français + Anglais + Italien), pratique et polyvalente, de la stratégie à l’implémentation, de l’exécution au suivi: mise en oeuvre de plans de communication, optimisation de sites internet, promotion de contenus, gestion de campagnes par email et via médias sociaux, organisation de webinaires et cours virtuels, recherche et exploitation d’opportunités de relations publiques en ligne. [IT] Apporto un’assistenza in più lingue (Italiano + Inglese + Francese), pratica e versatile, per tutti gli aspetti della comunicazione sul web: dalla strategia all’implementazione, dall’esecuzione alla misurazione delle performance. A seconda della portata, complessità e dimensione del progetto, lavoro da sola, con altri freelance marketing o in collaborazione con l’agenzia di comunicazione del cliente.