Court Ordered Community Service available, Flexible Hours. Work Anywhere. Virtual or Local.
CALL 202-340-6210 Any day, Anytime.
Fast Friendly Exciting. EMAIL:
Legitimately Finish your Community Service hours.
Easy to set up. Many options.
Start right away or anytime convenient for you. Pursue your passions.
Our letters have been immediately accepted by the courts.
Work can be VIRTUAL or LOCAL based on YOUR background, interests and hobbies. Work X hours as ordered by court or diversion program or advised by attorney. Work is documentable and Ongoing. Nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.
Ganga Library kindles a fire in you, revealing to you your hidden aspirations, abilities and skills.
"Thank you so much!!! It was refreshing to actually learn something from my community service."- Community Service Volunteer.
“I greatly appreciate this opportunity to work with the Ganga Library. I have found my research on some of the most influential people in society of all time very informative. It is not something I would have woken up one day and just 'decided' to do, but I am very grateful that I did.” - Volunteer who had been advised by an Attorney to do community service prior to going to court.