I am a Digital Broadcast Engineer with over 10 years experience in broadcast media, content production, motion graphics, audio & video editing, strategy and communications.
Feb 2021 – Present
Content producer and video editor
•Supervise and coordinate the work of camera,lighting,design,sound and crew members
• Plan details such as framing, composition, camera movement, sound, and movement for each shot or scene
• Confer with technical directors, managers, crew members and writers to discuss details
• of production such as photography, script, music, set and costumes.
• Cutandeditfilmortapetointegratecomponentpartsintodesiredsequences.
• Study and research scripts to determine how they should be directed.
• Was responsible for Directing and editing 5 music videos.
• Oversea the production and editing of at least 6 episodes of client’s videos
every week.
• Direct and edit event videos.