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Jahangir Ahmed

Quetta, Pakistan
Joined December 25, 2022
Syed jahangir Ahmed SatelliteTownBlockno3 December13,2022 Mob:No+923328065608 DearHiringsir/Madam DearSir/Madam: Having worked as a summer student for two years with your organization, I am very interested in pursuing a career with loading unloading. .Please consider this letter and enclosed resume as application for a position that is suitable to your personal requirements and my background. Currently, I am exploring full-time career opportunities. As my resume states, I have gained a wealth of knowledge and skills from my work and eJumani employment experiences.Some examples are: merck marker warehouse worker, shookeeper in cosmetics company and factory worker in karachi. The experience acquired while working with in the loading unloading. Has provided me with a good understanding of the policies and work procedures of the factory and willenablemeto"hitthe ground running" You will find me to be a resourceful and self-motivated individual, With the ability towork supportively within a team environment, and communicate effectively at alllevels.I bring an enthusiastic,diligentandded i cated attitude together with the ability to adaptreadily to varying job demands. I would appreciate the opportunity of an interview to discuss my qualfication singreater detail, and can be reached at the above mobile number to arrange an appointment at amutually convenient time. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,