I am from Spain-Europe, native Spanish, and written & speak Spanish, English, And Dutch.
My labor life Is pervasive and varied. I was working for Radio Broadcaster for more than 20 years.
Also been a commercial/Sales advisor for various Companies/Realstates.
I think I am the best option for help/collaboration with your project here In Spain. Thanks anyway, and have a nice day!
Broadcaster/Presenter, music, interviews, DJ, events, Dutch, English and Spanish translator, commercial & much more...
Cadena Ser Radio
Jan 1980 – Jan 2008
Benidorm - Alicante
Locutor, tecnico de sonido, publicidad, edición, textos/guiones publicidad y comercial
Locutor, tecnico de sonido, publicidad, edición, textos/guiones publicidad y comercial. Announcer, sound technician, advertising, editing, advertising and commercial texts / scripts