My name is Joaquin Juarez. I was borned and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I am 33 years old, and live with my wife, my daughter and son.
I have a degree in business administration.
I have experience in sales, marketing, online marketing, b2b marketing, business administration, logistics, computer repairing, graphic design.
I am a very responsible person with a highly results orientated performance.
ExoLogistica S.A.
Sep 2020 – Present
Buenos aires, Argentina
Inventory analist SR
I have to analice the diferent variations between the company's logic stock, the real stock and the client's logic stock.
Taranto S.A.
Feb 2020 – Sep 2020
Buenos aires, Argentina
Comercial JR
Sales analitics, pricing, comparatives with the competidors.
Sales planning.
Inventiva Grafica
Jan 2016 – Feb 2020
Buenos aires, Argentina
Partner - Owner
I did everithing, from sales, to buying raw materials. Producing, graphic design, printing and machinery maintanance.