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John Howard Chastain, Jr.

Scientific Computing Engineer

Dnipro, Ukraine
Volunteer at Free Agent
Studied Automotive Engineering Research at Clemson University
Studied Engineering at North Carolina State University
Aviation & Aerospace
Joined August 9, 2022


Intuitive and Simple, I adhere, as much as possible, to the 'Zen of Python'. Started with FORTRAN in the university, found it a wonder to communicate and work with machines. As my mechanical and graphical communication engineering grew into scientific computing, the wonderment found no boundaries with ever evolving algorithms that bookhold our craft in software development. I target challenging jobs and have held some great ones along my path. I will work toward analytical methods and strong solutions to any scientific challenge ranging from geometric drafting to fluid flow dynamics. My goal is to provide stable software with simple flow to address Earth's challenges.
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Free Agent
Jun 2022 – Present
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Clemson University
Jan 2004 – Dec 2006
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering Research
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North Carolina State University
Aug 1998 – Dec 2003
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Minor in Graphical Communications, Engineering