Hello there! Before talking about qualifications and professional abilities. I would like to introduce myself. I am Kenneth De La Cerna and I am from Philippines. Providing a good service to Clients not only fulfils my pocket but also my heart because it has been my passion since my early teenage.
I believe that people should do things in which they are good at or in which their heart lays. I am starting to work as a freelancer and wants to explore new jobs such as Web developing or Virtual Assistant. I believe I am good at this and I am always honest and never afraid of doing hard work.
The key to my success has been to learn quickly and then reach for a higher personal and professional responsibilities. I have worked in survey programming industry for 5 years as a Survey programmer ( Expert in, HTML, CSS, PYTHON, XML, JQUERY, ETC...) for Dynata. I have also done customer support and customer service management for Qualfon and Optum RX which are based in Cebu, Philippines.
MY previous work experience is a Virtual assistant for a solar company based in Arizona.
My Goal has always been to exceed the expectations of both my employer as well as my customer.
Although the above is only a brief snapshot, this philosophy has served me well in my professional career.
Homesourced Inc.
Sep 2023 – Jan 2025
Cebu City
Virtual Assistant
• Data Analysis – weekly reports, data accuracy reports, data
analysis reports, expense and commission reports
• Commission Processing - Provide transaction, follow-up and
respond to and resolve commission questions via ticket
management, portal and through email
• Manage administrative tasks
Jun 2018 – Jun 2023
Cebu City
Survey Programmer / Project Manager
• Program online questionnaires based on the materials provided
by the client (this includes survey scripting, managing languages,
reporting deliverables including crosstabs, charts, and
dashboards in MarketSight )
• Survey Programmer II – Pop Research team (Cmix) and Profiling
team (Decipher)
• XML, Python, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS
• Advance Features – MaxDiff, Conjoint, Typing tools
United Healthgroup – Optum RX
Mar 2014 – Oct 2014
Cebu City
Customer Service Associate
• Answer incoming phone calls from health care providers (i.e.,
physician offices, clinics) and identify the type of assistance the
provider needs (e.g., benefit and eligibility, billing and payments,
authorizations for treatment, explanation of benefits).
• Focus on resolving issues on the first call, navigating through
complex computer systems to identify the status of the issue and
provide appropriate response to caller.
• Complete the documentation necessary to t
Apr 2013 – Oct 2013
Cebu City
Customer Service Representative
• Research and resolve all customer inquiries and requests coming
via inbound calls
• Provides customer education about services and policies in a
timely manner
• Takes control of problems logically and with a clear
understanding to ensure the appropriate customer outcome