I teach economics and business at a University in Tanzania and have assisted over a hundred postgraduate students, academicians, researchers, and consultants perfect their writings for successful publication. I also offer consulting services to postgraduate students hustling with their research projects, to guide them through the entire research journey. Specifically as a lecturer, I teach principles of microeconomics, macroeconomics, risk management and insurance, financial services, financial economics, and managerial economics. I have an intermediate skill of econometric analysis (of cross sectional, time series, and panel data) by using Ms. Excel, SPSS and STATA packages. I can design a research project and carry it out. I am innovative and entrepreneurial with passion for web programming. I am currently working on two long term/passion based projects; one for developing an education management system and another for marketing information. I hold a bachelor degree of arts in economics as well as a masters degree of arts in economics and I am currently a PhD candidate in Business Administration in Tanzania. My current active gifts in use are proofreading & editing, and teaching.