I'm a self-taught web developer working with ReactJS and Solidity. For the last year, I've worked as a VueJS developer, now I'm returning to React, and transitioning to web3. The motto is go full-stack or go home.
The technologies I currently use in my projects are:
-Vanilla Javascript/React.js/Vuejs/NextJS
-Sanity io/ Strapi for headless CMS
-SASS/Bootstrap/React-Bootstrap/ Styled Components
-Jest/React Testing Library
-MongoDB/Google Firebase/Cloud Firestore
-I have a Master's degree in communication/semiotics.
You can find my website here
=> https://www.muratcanyuksel.tech/
and my GitHub profile here
=> https://github.com/muratcan-yuksel
I have a tech-related blog where I write in English and in French. You can access it here
=> https://dev.to/muratcanyuksel
I speak :
-Turkish fluently
-can read the Cryllic alphabet, understand some Russian, Hungarian and Estonian.
I bloom wherever I'm planted, yet I feel more energetic in international, diverse environments.
-I try to live by the idea of continuous growth, that is, trying to learn new things all the time. I believe William Blake was quite right when he wrote "Expect poison from the standing water."
Please feel free to contact me.