Data Science is a continuously evolving field. It can have a reach and influence
over most parts of an organization. The various ways a solution can be made
(each with its own use and merits) as well as the process through which we
come to a solution can yield multiple benefits to an organization.
I believe that the main purpose for Data Science should be to enhance or
improve people’s lives (even if it may be slightly). This is the source of my
passion for Data Science and why I am honored to be one and work in such a
vast and interesting field.
My studies were in Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the
University of KwaZulu-Natal. My goal is to work towards a PhD in a
quantitative field and get an MBA. I have knowledge in Statistical Modelling
and Data Analysis, time series modeling and the field of Machine learning
(Supervised, Unsupervised & Deep Learning). With application of these skills
in programming languages such as SQL, R and Python.