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Olamiposi korede

Expert full stack developer with detail-oriented approach to meeting technical requirements. Helps design programs from ground up.

Brampton, Canada
Studied Computer Science at Nova Scotia Community College
Joined September 11, 2022


My years of experience in this field have given me on-the-job knowledge, as well as a sense of where the industry has been and where it's going in the future. I have the kind of technical skills that only come from doing the job for several years.
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Religator Studio
Aug 2020 – Sep 2022
PHP Developer
Created web applications using PHP7 and PHP8, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, DHTML, Oracle Mod PL/SQL. Developed PHP based server side API using Zend framework and implemented MVC architecture. Worked and developed strategies for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Worked on Mobile UI and Mobile Website development, using jQueryMobile, HTML, CSS and SQLite. Worked on coding optimized SQL queries, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, Packages and Triggers on databases like MySQL, MS SQL and Oracle. Developed PHP based server API's using Zend2, Cake, Laravel, YII, Symphony framework and MVC architecture Developed internal Laravel application to track customers' shipment history and to customize every shipment to individualcustomers based on their profile selections and previous orders. SugarCRM custom Create a Web Portal on Yii framework through which MySQL, PHP, Portal for external the user can work with certain fields from SugarCRM REST API, Yiz user framework. Designing new skins and building Magento micro stores. Worked on development of ERP solution together with an integration and upgrade of ecommerce site to latest version of Magento Enterprise Designed and coded application components using PHP, MySQL, Angular]S, JSON, REST and Bootstrap. Worked on UNIX/Linux, MVC, Subversion, CVS, Git, Zend, Cake PHP, Codelgniter Framework, Word press, and LAMP toolset. Developed user interface using PHP, Codeigniter, NOCMS, bootstrap, AJAX, JQuery, HTML, CSS Developed eCommerce websites on CMC based on PHP and websites based on Codelgniter. Used typescript as a superset for JavaScript with babel to make it compatible to older browsers.
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Lakers Creative
Aug 2016 – Aug 2022
PHP Developer
Worked on Stack Zend PHP, Apache Web Server, SVN, Oracle, JavaScript, jQuery.Created and implemented a wide variety of websites and web applications using PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL. Worked on automotive content management system (CMS) which is built in PHP Sweet framework, used LAMP setup. Used LAMP for hosting the word press application. Developed/Design the application using WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) architecture. Used PHP/MySQL in WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) environment for creating dynamic data driven and interactive web pages. Worked with symphony, design patterns like singleton pattern, registry pattern and model view control pattern in Zend framework. Worked on UNIX/Linux, MVC, Subversion, CVS, Git, Zend, Cake PHP, Codelgniter Framework, Word press, and LAMP toolset. Experience in Model View Control (MVC) architecture based frameworks Code Igniter, YII, Smarty, ZEND and CakePHP.
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Nova Scotia Community College
Aug 2018 – Aug 2022
Diploma in IT, Computer Science