$50 per project
Service's Cover Picture
I am an experienced engineer with 4+ years of IT experience, building and building solid, reliable, awesome software solutions that can be stored in a MERN tech stack. I am able to prioritize well, I am able to communicate clearly, I am able to work across multiple project structures and carry many responsibilities at the same time. also, he has strong analytical ability and the ability to create new solutions. I have a consistent record of delivery and excellent software engineering skills with good software design experience, software life cycle management software, and expertise in editing, analysis, documentation, composition, editing, bug fixes, duplication, testing, deployment, and maintenance. ============ + JavaScript + TypeScript + Node.JS and Express.js,Nest.js + React.js + Redux, Express.js + Apollo Graph QL + Mongo DB, Amazon Dynamo, Mysql + HTML5, CSS3 (Minor and SASS) + Bootstrap, Basic + Gulp, WebPack, Grunt + IGit ============ SUMMARY + Webpage expertise in HTML5, CSS3, MVC, SASS, LESS, Object-Oriented Javascript, ES6, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, XML. A good understanding of the Object Model (DOM) and DOM Functions. + Extensive use of Node environment using NPM, Grunt, Gulp, Maven, Bower and Mongo DB to create server-side applications and wrote a MapReduce program to edit words in a file. + Expertise in creating user verification forms and using RESTful data transfer services on the server. + Powerful version that controls version GIT, GITHUB, Buck Bucket, and NPM Package manager, Bower. + Good understanding of RDBMS with Database Design, writing queries, and archived processes using data such as Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server. My profile also includes monitoring the complete construction of the life cycle from customer communication until the project is completed and working collaboratively across all functional areas to ensure delivery to customer satisfaction.