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Shaili Shah

Content & Communication Specialist

Mumbai, India
Media Relations Specialist at Humane Society International/India
Writing & Editing
Joined June 10, 2023



With five years of experience in content and editorial, I enjoy harnessing the power of words and measuring their impact with numbers (and data) and hold a particular interest in content strategizing. From long-format features to crisp social media copies - I am well-versed in an array of writing formats including print, digital, social media and video. I am currently working as a media relations specialist with Humane Society International/India. A major part of my job role is to be a bridge between India's top media publications and the organization. As a part of the Communications department, I am also actively involved in inter-departmental (national & global office) communication to understand their campaign and identify the selling point. Before switching to communications, I worked as an Assistant Manager (Content & Growth) where I had the opportunity to sharpen my content and data skills and increase CTR, DAUs (Daily Average Users) and sales of LBB's (Little Black Book) e-commerce website. I also have experience in feature writing as a freelancer with top publications including Hindustan Times, CondeNast, Vogue, GQ, Architectural Digest & DNA where I covered beats including education, food, lifestyle & trends, branded, travel, and news.
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Humane Society International/India
Apr 2022 – Present
Media Relations Specialist
Animal Protection Organization