1. I have been in public relations and marketing for 30 years.
2. Currently Associate at Baird’s CMC – International PR firm (https://www.bairdscmc.com/).
3. Freelance copywriter for numerous organisations including iNA and Captain Words.
4. Active in supplying strategy advice and copywriting services to numerous private clients.
5. I hold dual Honors in Journalism and Psychology.
6. Ex Managing Editor of coffee table magazines in Singapore – Investment and Property focused. Provided content, oversight of design and layout and selection/management of freelance resources.
7. Management and content of bespoke publications for clients (including guides, eBooks).
8. Head of Corporate Communications (divisional – Smarter Cities and liaison with BHP Billiton Client) at IBM in Singapore.
9. Corporate Communications Manager – Premier Foods
10. Headed up a Public Relations division for DDB Advertising (South Africa).
11. Developed concepts for direct mail and newsletters – and managed teams supplying content and provided content.
12. I’ve written press releases, long form, short form (blogs), web content, sales brochures and even dissertations. I’ve done business plans and crisis communication. I’ve developed above the line scripts, internal communication plans and brand communications (including payoff lines and key messaging) for major corporations.
13. In-depth knowledge of SEO, social media content and measurement.
14. Lectured to Masters Communications students at NanYang University and Leaping Frog Incubator members in Singapore on effective communications, demographic and market analysis and new media.