A highly organized, customer-centric administrative assistant with no work experience looking to leverage my remarkable communication, problem-solving and time management skills to provide exceptional customer service, streamline administrative procedure, and ensure organizational operations run smoothly.
California Climate Action Corps
Aug 2003 – Present
Regional Supervisor
● Administrative Support:
o Support CCAC program overall through administrative support
o Team meeting scheduling and agenda preparation
o Taking minutes, sharing action items, and task assignment
o Lead file and folder organization
● Accounting Support:
o Prepare and review expense reports
o Process subcontractor invoices
o Code credit card expenses
o Other relevant budget support
● Operation Support:
o Support the onboarding process by conducting onboarding appointments, collecting documentation, and general administrative tasks
o Track, review and update operations processes
● Fellow Regional Supervision:
o Support the personal and professional development of each AmeriCorps Member
o Help facilitate and plan member development training days, community building, and celebrations o Act as Regional Supervisor for members; visit placement sites and members on a monthly basis o Support members with their transitions after the fellowship and advise their professional development o Collect all member evaluation and metrics reporting documentation
o Support collection and review of hiring and compliance documents for members
o Oversee and approve AmeriCorps timesheets, track AmeriCorps hours throughout the yea