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Tony(Jun) Yang

United States
Studied Computer science at Kosin Universiy
Joined October 20, 2021



Native or Bilingual
I'm a software engineer based in Canada specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional , high-quality web & mobile(RN) applications.
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Feb 2019 – Mar 2021
Front End developer
Working as a Front end developer in Crowdbotics in remotely. I had many Front end projects and little mobile full-stack projects such as a gmailing App.
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ShowFire Displays
May 2017 – Feb 2019
Website maintainer That is one of the famous shopping websites in the world. The CEO is Bill Hinson. That website built with Wordpress CMS. But there is one issue, that is according to grow up the company and website, they had a large size of the database. Lack of WordPress features, the website speed was reduced. So Bill needed another specific website to manage the backend function based on the old WordPress database. So my main work in that company is to make the specific website for the backend panel with the same design related to the Wordpress admin panel.
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Clean Lines Lawn Care
Jul 2016 – Aug 2017
Full Stack Engineer
Clean Lines Lawn Care is a full service Lawn care and Landscape company located in Scottsville, Virginia. I took on the role of developing the frontend and backend of the site as well as the hosting. Skills used in this project included HTML, CSS/SCSS, Javascript/jQuery, PHP, SQL, and Bootstrap.
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Heimbrock Design
Jun 2015 – Aug 2016
Software Engineer
Manage CMS systems which includes WordPress and others. I help manipulate current code to achieve the look and logic needed to meet the clients' needs. The majority of my time is spent modifying Javascript, some PHP and CSS code. Hand code semantic HTML and CSS.
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Kosin Universiy
Sep 2011 – Apr 2014
Direct Master Degree, Computer science